Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today has been another good day! The doctor did up the number of times I get milk from six to eight and the nurses have been able to continue weaning me off the ventilator, hopefully I will be able to wear the C-PAP machine by the end of the week. I know Mom is ready for that so she can hold me! As you can see from the picture Mom and Dad caught me with my pacifier, I am very talented because I can suck on a pacifier even with a breathing tube down my throat. The doctor also let Mom and Dad know that I now get more touch time, YEAH!! It used to be every four hours, now it is every three hours! I just want to let you know that I am still bummed about having to wear the C-PAP machine, I am going to try to get Dad to wear his, because he is really awesome and I want to be just like him. Mom does remind me all the time that she wants me to do my best and always listen to the doctors and nurses because they are here to help me grow big and strong, so I guess I'll go ahead and wear the mask if that is what I need to do. Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers and for taking care of Mom and Dad for me while I am in the hospital!


  1. still praying for this precious little guy everyday and night. we love you guys and you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Nicole Neyland Cotter

  2. Praise God! I've been praying for Max. My daughter went through a similar situation except we were only graced with our grandson for 13 days. I truly can imagine the roller coaster ride you guys are going through. I look forward to the day when you get to take Max home. We used to clap when we saw parents take their little ones home from the NICU. God is indeed good all the time!

    Penni Royston, Colorado

  3. Hello Max,

    I have to use a C-PAP at night and your Uncle Chuck says it sounds like Darth Vader is in the bed next to him! Your Dad and Mom will explain to you who Darth Vader is one day!
    I am overjoyed with the progress you are making and so excited you got snuggle up to your Dad.
    I know that some days it seems you take a couple steps back but you are doing great and we have an awesome Creator who is in control of everything. I love you bunches!

    Aunt Bessie

  4. Dear Max,
    Keep up the good fight little one! You are doing so well! Prayers from our family are going out to you, and love from baby Naomi too.
    Dear Mom and Dad,
    I read about your story from Megan Lewis on facebook. We recently went thru a NICU experience back in Feb when our daughter was born. She was an emergency c-section, but at 38 weeks so she was a bigger girl. Keep your heads up. You have TONS of people praying for you!
    Love from the Keenes,
    Lauren, Christopher and Naomi

  5. Maxwell,

    Thinking of and praying for you. Let your Mom and Dad know to call us if there is anything we can help with. Can't wait to meet you.
