Thursday, April 1, 2010


Mom and Dad were anxious today! I had my second EKG to determine if the medicine for my heart had been working. About 8:20 p.m. the doctor reported that the medicine had done a good job and closed the duct enough that we could start feeding on Thursday. YEAH!!! I passed a really hard test, Mom and Dad are so proud!! The doctor wants to see if the duct will finish closing on its own, if it doesn't, then we can do the medicine again in a few weeks. I did so well on my first test that the doctor is going to give me another on Thursday, this time he will look at my brain and make sure there is no bleeding. Hey, guess what? Two things, I am on the smaller ventilator now AND I opened my eyes for Mom and Dad! Today really was a good day, prayers are being answered!!!


  1. Maxwell,

    I am so excited and thankful for your progess and I can't wait to meet you bunches!

    Aunt Bessie

  2. This is WONDERFUL news!! Yay, Maxwell... Continue to get stronger and grow- You are making wonderful strides :)

  3. I am overjoyed for you! Praise God!
