Sunday, April 11, 2010


As Mom said the first 48 hours after surgery are critical! Mom and Dad have been calling the nurses and checking in because they cannot come visit me. The nurses let them know that they are monitoring my sugar levels and as the day continues, the doctor decides to put me on a insulin IV. At about 4:00 p.m., 47 hours post surgery, Mom called to get an update and the nurses were currently doing CPR on me and asked mom to call back in 30 minutes. The nurses called about 15 minutes later and asked Mom and Dad to come up to the hospital. The doctor met them there and delivered the bad news. I was having trouble breathing and they could not get me stabilized. The doctor had changed the type of ventilator I was on and tried some other interventions and nothing was stabilizing me. The doctor prepared Mom and Dad that I could pass away, but he wanted to try giving me steroids to see if that would help stabilize my breathing. The steroids they gave me appear to be working, at this time, my breathing is more stable, but once again, the doctor and nurses warn that the situation can only be taken minute by minute and everything is based on how I tolerate things. REMEMBER THOUGH - I am a fighter and prayer works!

****Mom's Note*****

This parenting thing is the best and worst thing I have ever done! Please continue to pray for Maxwell's recovery and future progress. Ben and I are very thankful for all of the cards, notes and phone calls we have received. We will never be able to repay you for your generosity, but please know that we greatly appreciate it! The most powerful, awesome thing you can provide us at this time is continued prayer, God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Max...
    I have been praying for you since the day I found out your Mom and Dad were being blessed with a baby and they have continued (and changed!)since your birth. God is so good and here you are...16 days later!
    I will continue to raise you up in prayer many times, daily. AND I can't wait to meet you!

    Love you bunches,
    Aunt Bessie
