Monday, April 19, 2010


Before Mom could make her 8:00 a.m. check-in call, the hospital called to let her know that I had another "white-out". The "white-out" was due to the fluid on my lungs and the fluid caused the tiny air sacs in my lungs to deflate. Because of the "white-out" the nurse had to put me back on the big ventilator that vibrates my chest. After the switch in ventilators, I improved and spent the rest of the day gaining back ground. Due to the ventilator switch the doctor suspended my milk for the day, with the idea that if I stabilized I can have milk tomorrow. Mom and Dad getting to hold me again has also been suspended for the foreseeable future and the doctor also started the steroids again and they will continue through Saturday.

Please remember that I will take two steps forward and then appear to take a step back, but I making progress and getting better and I know that your prayers are a huge part of that!


  1. Rest little Max. You made big strides last week, remember you are still recovering from surgery. You and your parents continue to be in our prayers.

  2. Bless your hearts - my now 9mo old daughter was born at 27w3d weighing 2lbs, 3oz. We spent 109 LONG days in the NICU so I've been right where you are now. Please know that my family is praying for little Max.
