Monday, July 26, 2010


Here I am in my swing again, I love this thing and Mom and Dad have already told me I have one at home. The doctor made some slight changes to my care today, he increased my milk to 64ccs and he increased the amount of calories in my milk from 24 to 26. He increased my calories because I have not been gaining weight, I have just been able to maintain. Up until now I have gained about an ounce a day, but right now I am teetering on the 8 pound mark and cannot seem to break it, one day I weigh 8 pounds the next day I weigh 7 pounds, 15 ounces. Mom tells me that the doctor wants me to weigh 30 pounds before I go home so I better get to bulking up, I think she was kidding, but sometimes it is hard to tell!! Hey guess what, the steroids must be working because I took 30ccs and 44ccs from a bottle today! Mom and Dad are glad that I am eating more, that means that when we get to the next hospital in Plano, they can look at mt throat and make a plan and maybe, just maybe I will not need a button in my tummy.

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